Monday, 8 August 2011

London Riots are a Sick, Twisted Joke

Third World countries resist (at best) for food and basic human rights. The youth of London riot because they feel they deserve Nike trainers and the latest PS3 game. I actually feel pretty ashamed to be a Londoner right now. We're fortunate to even have the right to campaign, and now that we've finally excercised that liberty to degree that our voices can be heard by decision-makers, what the fuck can we say for ourselves? How do we justify incending vehicles and shops, and scaring innocent bystanders? No offence but the shooting of one individual cannot account for endangering the lives of countless others. It's ridiculous because it doesn't go deeper than a corybantic frenzy of crime and perilous childplay. I'll wager if you ask any rioter at random what they want to achieve from their act, a large question mark would form over their head. Oh, and then they'll set fire to your car.

And to think we're playing host to the prestigious Olympics next year? Nice going!

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